Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Student 3

I have a third participant! He has been coming only once a week to finish up his current level in Barton. Small explanation: Barton spans 10 level and do not correspond to reading levels. Most students complete levels 1-8 while in elementary school and return for Levels 9 and 10 once they have completed eighth grade, simply because of the advanced vocabulary in the last two levels. This particular student just completed Level 8. We have done some limited writing instruction towards the end of last school year and during the summer upon his mom's request (this was actually the inspiration for my project).  By participating in my study, I hope this will give us both more structure in the writing instruction and serve as a way to refine what I've done with my first two guinea pigs students.

Field Notes:
Goals: Baseline for writing and typing
           Review and sight words
*Writing baseline: began at 3:42, ended at 3:56, paused at 3:44 to read aloud a section I was in (I died).
     *"How do spell your name...I mean Angie?"
     *Very quickly began reading story aloud, without prompting.
           *Found 5 corrections to make
     *"That was a funny story!"
*Questionnaire-Writer's profile
*Superficial answers; got stuck for a plan, but found inspiration for iPad story.
*iPad story: began 4:07, ended 4:20
     *"Not how you spell there...That's not how you spell it either...oh well, this is the wrong there."
     *"How do you spell Philip?" "I spell it "p-h-i-l-l-i-p, but some might only have 1 L."  "Your way it [spell checker] says is wrong and my way is right."
     *Read aloud and found 2 corrections to make.
*"What was easier to write, on paper or iPad?" "iPad"
*Began attitude survey and interview

This student may be another toughie. He likes to be funny and I think sometimes that's his cover for his struggles.  All of his answers to questions about what kind of stories he likes to write were "funny ones", which is exemplified in his response after reading his own initial writing piece.

I'm kind of impressed we got both initial writings in this session.  He spent the least amount of time drafting both than either of my other students. Either I'm more focused or he's a "do it and be done" kind of writer.  We'll hope for the former :)

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